George Bernard Shaw once said: "Youth is wasted on the young." Hopefully, you didn't waste yours! Growing up as six-year-old child working in the coal mines of England in the 19th century, for example, precluded anything even close to what today would be considered a "normal childhood," much less giving you a good chance of living past 30. Your chances of surviving to old age were somewhat better if you were born during the Great Depression, though then, many children often went to bed hungry. Compare their lives to those of children born after World War II. This anthology comprises 73 stories related to childhood selected from the 438 stories found in Books 1 through 6, incl., of the Creative Ink, Flashy Fiction anthologies. The stories, each 250 words or fewer in length, are best compared to a handful of peanuts or M&M's. Which is to say, they're tiny, bite-sized morsels that won't let you stop with one!
Theodore Jerome Cohen is an award-winning author who has published more than ten novels-all but one of them mystery/thrillers-two short-story
anthologies, eight flash fiction anthologies, and one Young Adult (YA) mystery/thriller written under the pen name Alyssa Devine. During his 45-year
career he has worked as an engineer, scientist, CBS Radio Station News Service (RSNS) commentator, private investigator, and Antarctic explorer.
What he's been able to do with his background is mix fiction with reality in ways even his family and friends have been unable to unravel!