Frozen In Time, by Theodore Jerome Cohen
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Available in the Following Formats

  • E-book: ISBN 9781452002729
  • Tradeback: ISBN 9781452002705
  • Hardcover: ISBN 9781452002712

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Frozen in Time
John Milton's Paradise Lost

Frozen In Time:
Murder at the Bottom of the World

Book I in the Antarctic Murders Trilogy

Ted Stone, fresh off his Masters in Physics, joins UW-M's Geophysical and Polar Research Center to assist fellow scientist, Grant Morris, collect the rock and fossil samples Morris needs to complete his Ph.D. thesis. Together, they travel to Punta Arenas, Chile, where they join the 16th Chilean Expedition to the Antarctic, and then on to the Base Bernardo O'Higgins on the Antarctic Peninsula. On that expedition are two Chilean Navy non-commissioned officers who robbed the Banco Central de Chile in Talcahuano following The Great Chilean Earthquake of 1960.

Reader Views award
General Fiction: 2nd Place
Historical Fiction: 2nd Place
Mystery/Thriller/Suspense/Horror: 2nd Place
The currency, negotiable securities, coins, and jewelry they took from safety deposit boxes in the bank now are hidden in a crate that is on its way to Antarctica as well. Once the Expedition has been completed, that crate is to be shipped to the home of a friend of one of the two Navy non-coms, Chilean Army First Sergeant Leonardo Rodríguez, who is also assigned to Base O'Higgins for the duration of the Expedition.

But when Sergeant Rodríguez fails to return from a seal hunt in the waters around the base, the two Chilean Navy non-commissioned officers become Lieutenant-Commander Cristian Barbudo's prime murder suspects. Barbudo reveals the identity of his two suspects to Stone, thereby placing Stone's life in jeopardy. But who can Stone trust with this information, if it comes to that, to see justice done?

This story is a work of fiction based on real events that took place between 1958 and 1965, when author and then-scientist, Theodore Jerome Cohen, spent four months on the North Antarctic Peninsula.

Frozen In Time is a tale of greed, betrayal, danger and murder-one in which the reader is given a window into the frozen world at the bottom of the Earth that few people ever will read about, much less experience. Among other things, it explores why, though seemingly unfair, bad things happen to good people; how the battle between good and evil can change forever even the most innocent person; and most of all, the role deception plays in Nature, Man, and Life.

Praise for Frozen In Time

"A nasty little piece of skullduggery made all the more so by the fact this fictional tale is based on real events in the author's life." ~ Kirkus Discoveries
"Frozen in Time is compelling reading, combining the elements of conflict, suspense, intrigue, entertainment, and enlightenment. Highly recommended." ~ Richard R. Blake for Reader Views
"If the storms make one think of Patrick O'Brian, so does the interspersing of sea and science…" ~ M. K. Turner for
"A fast read, with plenty of Chilean naval history and drama on the high seas in one action-packed novel full of big surprises." ~ Gary P. Priolo for NavSource Naval History
"If you like your fiction to read like dramatic nonfiction, Theodore Jerome Cohen will be more than willing to accommodate your request as he takes you to the bottom of the Earth where you'll find murder and mayhem blended with a dash of chilling drama!" ~ Deb Fowler for Feathered Quill Book Reviews
"Meticulously written, footnoted, including photographs, maps, memorabilia from the voyage, Frozen in Time: Murder at the Bottom of the World is an author’s doctorate work in novel creation, hardbound with chilling cover art. I am told by the author the characters are soon to reemerge in a sequel. Frankly, from the mind of Ted, a series of life’s adventures must certainly be awaiting his keyboard for release." ~ Gary Sorkin for Pacific Book Review
"If you’re ready for a little international intrigue flavored with a dash of Amateur Radio, then you’re ready for Frozen in Time: Murder at the Bottom of the World ...” ~ John Wood, WV5J, What’s New, CQ Magazine for Radio Amateurs
Stormy weather and high seas such as this are the norm on the
Drake Passage and the Bransfield Strait. Antarctic travel is not
for the faint-hearted.
(courtesy ORT Israel)
It's not often that a penguin escapes an orca pod ... watch this little guy outsmart the killer whales that are chasing him!
(courtesy TsavenNava)

Frozen in Time: Murder at the Bottom of the World
Is Recommended Reading by Longitude® (